Saturday, 12 May 2012

Saturday evening

The blogs are great to read and so much of interest.  The design aesthetics are in evidence and motivating me to do something with mine.  The blog names are very appealing and witty, love the punning ones in particular.

This would be the first time have left comments on anything online - goodness, how timid I've been.  It's been interesting leaving comments as it's much like writing email but with awareness that the comment is there for "the world to see".  However, it's a good contrast to the advice that you should write an email as if it will be read by the world.  Commenting on blogs just skips the several layers...

Am writing pretty straight onto the laptop and not going back and editing which is not my modus operandi at all.  A Grand Experiment in putting words flow onto the page and seeing if it makes any sense.  I normally write like this with pen and paper but use the keyboard for carefully composing deliberate texts for work.  Want to practice free wriitng a la Rowena Murray to see if there is any added value or material released using this technique. 

Have wondered too, if in leaving comments that the well would run dry by the time I reached writing up Thing Two in this blog.  Thus far it doesn't seem to be a probl...

Only joking! 

I am really looking forward to going thru the Things, and as one of the bloggers said, it is a great thing to be able to undertake cpd that is valuable and costs nowt.  So feeling very grateful to the cpd-ers right now.  Was the Things name inspired by the Cat in the Hat's little helpers Thing One and Thing Two.  That story used to terrify me - the disorder! the chaos!  Clearly the love of order already driving me towards a career in librarianship.  Creating order out of  chaos, now that's a tenet to live by. 

Thing Three in two days time.  Intend to read more blogs, comment and do something about the look and feel of this blog!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Anne, I love your blog name! Am also impressed by the background and layout - I've just about managed the basics but hope to make it a bit more sophisticated as the weeks go on.

    What you said about being timid really struck me. I feel the same way but having cpd23 as a support system is helping a lot and I have decided not to be afraid to confess my ignorance...
